Even Writers Make *Mitakes

Hopefully you’ve noticed something about the title of this blog entry. There’s a “mitake”! How ironic, huh? Well, young grasshopper, there’s a reason behind the irony and a story to go along with it.

I recently created this blog, The Observations of a Wordsmith, in September and it’s been a blast every step of the way. You know, except for the step where I found out I made a catostrophic error in the blog URL address and it does not read “wordsmithobservations”, but that it really reads “wordsmithOBERVATIONS”. For real. I tried to change it, too, but I would have to pay money and I’m not paying monthly payments for my stupidity.

So, all in all, I’ve created a completely brand new account thats URL reads (and I checked it VERY thoroughly) wordsmithobservations.wordpress.com

If you’re a fan of this blogging community, just go over and like it, follow it, whatever! Just don’t forget about lil ol’ me!

I will give you time to prepare, so shoo!

Your careless yet appologetic blogger signing off,

Hannah xoxo

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